Wednesday 13 June 2012

Sky Ferreira - Red Lips

Oh Sky Ferreira, what have you done?

Ever since I first heard 'One' back in 2010 I've been a huge fan of yours.  Follow up single 'Obsession' may not have been quite as intriguing but it was still a pretty great pop song and your first EP As If! has been on repeat on my iPod for over a year.  So after showing that you really are very skilled in the electro pop field, you've thrown it out the window and presented your fans with 'Red Lips'. 

This song is pretty much the antithesis of Sky's previous releases, in that it's extremely unoriginal and in fact, it's kind of boring.  It effectively doubles as a forgotten album track from Garbage (unsurprising as Shirley Manson helped co-write the song) or even The Pretty Reckless.  This is the first instance of Sky's slightly bored sounding vocals not working in her favour, and it's also the first time she's sounded uncomfortable on a song (this may have something to do with the video though, as Sky looks as comfortable as... well as comfortable as you'd expect someone in their underwear, smeared in lipstick and being accosted by a hairy tarantula to look).

I can't help but wonder if this song would seem more exciting if Sky hadn't excelled so much in her previous musical releases.  It's difficult for me to get behind a song like 'Red Lips' when I know she's capable of a song like 'Sex Yeah' or 'Haters Anonymous'.  Either way I'm pleased that this isn't the official first single from Wild At Heart as I'm certain Sky has better music to offer.  I've always seen her as someone who'll rise to the top of her game regardless of what genre of music she puts her hand to, 'Red Lips' is just an unfortunate misstep.  Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to listen to '99 Tears' on repeat and pray to the music gods that there will be at least one Bloodshy & Avant song on her debut album.


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